Celebrate Women 2017
A wonderful turn out and lots of "Girl Positive" energy at Celebrate Women! CFUW Sudbury, YWCA Sudbury and LEAF Sudbury offer a great example of the power of women working together.

Celebrate Women is Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW - Sudbury), in partnership with the YWCA and the Women’s Legal, Education, and Action Fund (LEAF) present the 22nd annual Celebrate Women on April 11th at Laurentian University’s Fraser Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. This event provides an opportunity for a female Canadian author to feature her latest book.
CFUW Sudbury is pleased to announce that this year Celebrate Women has two authors. Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel, co-authors of Girl Positive: Supporting Girls to Shape a New World, a book that Michael Kaufman (author and co-founder of the White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women) has described as "Timely. Generous. Accessible. Provocative." Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel travelled North America to talk with girls about cultural, social and political issues covering a wide range of topics - social media, sexual violence, hyper-sexuality, cyberspace identities. Their book Girl Positive has stories of struggle and of victory, girls finding “new paths to empowerment”. Click here to download a pdf of the event’s poster.
Celebrate Women includes a reception, book signing, brief performance by Nickel City Sound, and free parking - all for only $10. Funds raised support scholarships totalling $7000 to young women in Sudbury. Tickets available at Gloria’s, Apollo Restaurant, LU Bookstore, at the door or from any CFUW Sudbury member.
In addition to attending Celebrate Women 2017, another way to support the work of CFUW Sudbury, YWCA Sudbury, and LEAF Sudbury is through a book sponsorship. For a $100 contribution, a copy of Girl Positive: Supporting Girls to Shape a New World will be placed in a secondary school, post-secondary, or public library of your choice, and your support is recognized with a dedication in the book. Individuals, groups, and businesses often choose to honour or remember friends, family, and colleagues in this way. Tax receipts for the full amount will be issued by the YWCA. Click here for a copy of the sponsorship form.
The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW - Sudbury), in partnership with the YWCA and the Women’s Legal, Education, and Action Fund (LEAF) present the 22nd annual Celebrate Women on April 11th at Laurentian University’s Fraser Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. This event provides an opportunity for a female Canadian author to feature her latest book.
CFUW Sudbury is pleased to announce that this year Celebrate Women has two authors. Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel, co-authors of Girl Positive: Supporting Girls to Shape a New World, a book that Michael Kaufman (author and co-founder of the White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women) has described as "Timely. Generous. Accessible. Provocative." Tatiana Fraser and Caia Hagel travelled North America to talk with girls about cultural, social and political issues covering a wide range of topics - social media, sexual violence, hyper-sexuality, cyberspace identities. Their book Girl Positive has stories of struggle and of victory, girls finding “new paths to empowerment”. Click here to download a pdf of the event’s poster.
Celebrate Women includes a reception, book signing, brief performance by Nickel City Sound, and free parking - all for only $10. Funds raised support scholarships totalling $7000 to young women in Sudbury. Tickets available at Gloria’s, Apollo Restaurant, LU Bookstore, at the door or from any CFUW Sudbury member.
In addition to attending Celebrate Women 2017, another way to support the work of CFUW Sudbury, YWCA Sudbury, and LEAF Sudbury is through a book sponsorship. For a $100 contribution, a copy of Girl Positive: Supporting Girls to Shape a New World will be placed in a secondary school, post-secondary, or public library of your choice, and your support is recognized with a dedication in the book. Individuals, groups, and businesses often choose to honour or remember friends, family, and colleagues in this way. Tax receipts for the full amount will be issued by the YWCA. Click here for a copy of the sponsorship form.
About the authors:

TATIANA FRASER is a writer, speaker, and social innovator with 20 years of experience leading change to advance girls and women’s empowerment. Co-founder and past Executive Director of Girls Action Foundation, Fraser is recognized as a Global Ashoka Fellow and was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by The Women’s Executive Network. She has served on numerous boards of directors and advisory committees including as a delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women, President of The Carold Institute, Vice President of Exeko and Treasurer for Food Secure Canada.

CAIA HAGEL is a writer, creative director and entrepreneur. Her written work on culture and innovation has appeared in many publications from ART PAPERS to Vogue. Hagel is co-editor-in-chief of SOFA magazine and co-founder of GuerrillaPop+MediaLab, a boutique media co-op that invented “moral offsetting” to create humanist media. She is also cofounder and director of HungryForFortune, a startup collective whose projects pioneer new movements in technology, culture and female leadership. She has been a speaker on art, design, pop and youth media at several events, including at the Forum d’Avignon@ Paris, where her presentation on selfies contributed to a new Bill of Digital Human Rights.