Adventures in Dining
Do you enjoy cooking, sharing recipes and a fun night out? There are several small groups that meet once a month.
Traditionally, enticing menus are pre-planned and participants each bring a dish to the home of the hostess. Each member takes a turn at the 'jobs', including hosting, menu planning or doing one of the food courses. Costs are shared.
Currently we are meeting virtually on Zoom. Group members take turn to pre-plans the topic, theme, or challenge for the up-coming month. For examble, the “leader of the month” could choose appetizes as a theme and provide recipes. Each member would pick a recipe, prepare it and discuss it at the next meeting. At the end of that month, the “leader” of the next month sets up her new challenge to be discussed at the next month's meeting. Specific menu plans, specific foods, specific ingredients ... imagine the possibilities for a true foodie experience.
Traditionally, enticing menus are pre-planned and participants each bring a dish to the home of the hostess. Each member takes a turn at the 'jobs', including hosting, menu planning or doing one of the food courses. Costs are shared.
Currently we are meeting virtually on Zoom. Group members take turn to pre-plans the topic, theme, or challenge for the up-coming month. For examble, the “leader of the month” could choose appetizes as a theme and provide recipes. Each member would pick a recipe, prepare it and discuss it at the next meeting. At the end of that month, the “leader” of the next month sets up her new challenge to be discussed at the next month's meeting. Specific menu plans, specific foods, specific ingredients ... imagine the possibilities for a true foodie experience.